Qismat 2 did outstanding business on Saturday as it collected 1.75 crore nett which is the highest collection for a single day for a Punjabi film post the pandemic. It beat the Sunday numbers of Chal Mera Putt 2 though Punjab was less it collected far more in Delhi city. There is Sunday to come which will be even higher than Sunday and the target is to cross the 1.50 crore nett barrier in Punjab for the fist time since March 2020.
The total business of the film is 4.25 crore nett and the four day weekend should be heading towards the 6.50 crore nett mark. The film has potential to add in Delhi city due to the strong release and the morning / afternoon shows in key multiplexes in Punjab. It will not add in the evening / night shows in the big collecting multiplexes of Punjab as these were mostly houseful on Saturday (on allowed capacity).
It can be said with full confidence that the the Punjab market is back now and its just about getting rid of the restrictions and collections will be pretty much what they were before the pandemic. Also hopefully no lockdowns and closures happen to stop the momentum. The collections of Qismat 2 till date are as follows.
Thursday - 1,24,00,000
Friday - 1,30,00,000
Saturday - 1,75,00,000
TOTAL - 4,29,00,000
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