Chaupal OTT is all set to release yet another crime-and-thriller web series titled ‘Shikaari’ on October 15 (Friday). ‘Shikaari,’ which means hunters in English, is a story of three rich and spirited old men who are great friends and who believe that passion is beyond price.
Together ever since their youth, the three men reminisce old days and talk about checking off their last bucket list wish of executing a big robbery in Delhi. To fulfill this ultimate desire, the trio plans to rob a bank in the national capital.
Shikaari’ is a unique story written by Prince Kanwaljit Singh, directed by Maneesh Bhatt, and produced by Chaupal Studios. It stars Guggu Gill, Ashish Duggal, and Sukhwinder Chahal in the lead roles. To experience excitement, chase, and passion, do not miss this special web series coming this Friday.
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